
7 keys to increase sales for your business products

7 keys to increase sales for your business products - WPeMatico

To increase sales, you must start from a solid knowledge of the market, be clear about your value proposition (which is unique and very special), profile and properly segment our target audience and thus take advantage of the different communication channels to increase sales and effectively reach people interested in your product or service.

Let’s see 7 keys that will help us to increase the sales of our business:

1. Market analysis

Before designing your sales process, you need to know the market. You need to know who your main competitors are, what their customer acquisition and retention tactics are and what pricing strategies they adopt. The goal is not to copy what the competition is doing, but to find underserved markets and innovate to differentiate yourself.

You also need to know your target audience well. Don’t limit yourself to their cultural or generational profile, dig deeper into the needs you know they have, tastes, preferences, buying habits, etc. The more information you collect, the better segmentation you can get to design personalized offers that will help you increase your sales.

A good market analysis will allow you to identify current trends and predict future trends to gain a competitive advantage. You will be able to better adapt your products or services to the needs of your consumers to improve their satisfaction.

2. Prepare a marketing calendar

Throughout the year there are some dates that represent an important opportunity to increase sales. Christmas, Mother’s or Father’s Day, Black Friday, Easter or Valentine’s Day are some of the most important dates when consumers tend to spend more, so you should plan your sales strategy in advance to promote the most demanded products or services.

The Marketing Calendar will allow you to organize all the necessary logistics and advertising in plenty of time so that everything goes smoothly. You will have a clearer vision of the path you will follow throughout the year, you will be able to allocate resources intelligently and, most importantly, you will be able to get ahead of the competition to sell more.

3. Facilitate the buying process

It doesn’t matter if you sell products online, directly to the public or to other companies, if the buying process is complicated and customers have difficulty making purchases, during this process you will probably give the last ones to buy the contest.

The vast majority of consumers abandon a purchase if the process is too complicated and more than half will not return. To avoid this, make your checkout process as easy as possible. Adopt new, more popular and secure payment methods, require only the necessary information, provide a clear call to action and make it easy to correct errors in the checkout form. These simple strategies can increase your sales.

4. Provide additional services

As more and more consumers want their shopping experience to go beyond the transaction, it will be to your advantage to provide them with additional services. For example, home delivery, installation and service or maintenance can help you present a more professional image and differentiate yourself from your competitors.

The key is to add value, something that really makes your customer’s life easier or enhances your own business. Another option is to offer additional services that build trust, such as free returns, extended warranties or free trials.

5. Leverage the potential of social media

Social networks are not a direct sales platform, but they will allow you to establish contacts that can become customers in the hybrid future, as they are a valuable tool to strengthen your brand and reach a wider audience. Use them as a means of communication to convey trust and intimacy, showing the more human side of your brand.

Just make sure you choose the social networks your target audience uses and adapt your message to the most popular formats on them. You can use them to advertise your offers, but you also need to create interesting and informative content to add value to your followers. Their advertising services are also an interesting option to run well-segmented campaigns that will allow you to gain fame or publicize your new products or services.

6. Improve sales

Sometimes all it takes to increase sales is to make small changes in your sales strategy. Evaluate whether a change in product packaging, web design, window trim or furniture design could make your product more attractive and visible to customers.

For example, if you have a physical store, one of your main goals would be to increase the number of access points, remove any physical or sensory barriers and place products with high turnover there to encourage customers to visit a larger area and see more products. On the other hand, if you have an e-commerce, you need to know its heat map to optimize the design of the areas that receive the most attention and increase conversions.

7. Invest in advertising

Many entrepreneurs want their businesses to grow on their own. However, in today’s competitive market, you should promote your brand through different channels. 

Content Marketing, Video Marketing or even On-site advertising such as those offered by the company WPGlob for WordPress plugins, are very interesting proposals that you should not miss, as they offer a complete marketing service and promotion of products.

Companies still rely heavily on digital advertising, but radio and outdoor advertising have also grown tremendously. Determine your advertising budget and choose the most appropriate media to get your message to your target audience.

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